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Posts tagged: indoor gardening

The A-Z Of Essential Nutrients For Plants

I'm sure you've heard the phrase "Essential Plant Nutrients" before, but what does it mean? We've compiled a list of the essential plant nutrients and what makes them essential.

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Nutrient Parts - 1,2 or 3?

2-part, 1-part, 3-part, 100-part. All jokes aside; what is the difference between nutrients separated into different parts? In a nutshell, the more parts you have, the more control over feeding you have, but you also have more room for error.

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pH & EC Meter Maintenance

It is essential to look after your pH and EC meters as you will get inaccurate readings from them if you don't, which can have drastic effects on your plants.

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Fans 101

Getting your ventilation system right in your growing environment is key to healthy plants. Pulling fresh air into your grow room not only provides your plant with fresh CO2. It also helps keep the temperature down and reduce humidity – eliminating all the problems (and pests) that come with it.

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Top Tips For Pest Prevention

Prevention is 100% better than cure when it comes to your plants' defence against pests. We've compiled our top tips to help you keep your indoor garden a pest-free zone.

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Beat The Heat

Summer is fast approaching and while warmer temperatures are welcome in some areas, your garden is not one of them. Summer temperatures can cause an abundance of problems for your plants. Don't fret; we are here to help you beat the heat!

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