Green Cleaner 240ml 8oz
Green Cleaner 240ml
Product Code: D0439 |
Green Cleaner 240ml
Green Cleaner kills Spider Mite, Broad Mite & Russet Mite and Powdery Mildew
Spray Green Cleaner on plants of every age, from clones through to harvest. Because it's a natural product, it won't harm the plant or the fruit/flower
Spider mites have not developed an immunity to Green Cleaner, so it kills the mites and their eggs.
Powdery mildew easily washes off the plant after treatment.
Green Clean is a concentrate, a 8oz bottle will make up to 60L of solution
Shake the bottle prior to mixing with water and every few minutes while spraying. Do not spray late flowering plants in their last couple weeks before harvest at a heavy mix more than a time or two. Better to spray a lite mix and to spray more often. Green Cleaner will kill every mite you can spray it on, but with spider mites, you need to kill them before flowering or in early flowering.
Application Rate (Per Litre of Water ):
Rooted Clones: 5-8ml/Ltr
Mothers Infested: 5-8ml/Ltr
Maintenance: 4-5ml/Ltr
Plant Wash: 4-6ml/Ltr
Powdery Mildew: 4-5ml/Ltr
Scarid Fly 2-5ml/Ltr as a drench
Height | 15.000000 |
Width | 5.000000 |
Length | 5.000000 |
Weight | 0.300000 |
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