Nutrifield Fulife 500ml
Nutrifield Fulife 500ml
Product Code: B3201 |
Nutrifield Fulife 500ml
Nutrifield® Fulife® is a certified organic-input nutrient supplement containing high-grade fulvic acid, a natural biostimulant found in soils. Fulvic acid enhances macronutrient uptake by stimulating root absorption mechanisms and forming soluble, plant-bioavailable complexes—a process known as chelation.
By improving nutrient availability, Fulife® promotes robust root growth, increased vegetative development, and enhanced flower yield. It also optimizes plant metabolism and photosynthesis, accelerating growth. Unlike other supplements, Fulife® does not raise the EC (salt index) of your system, preventing osmotic stress and ensuring consistent water uptake. This results in up to 40% greater nutrient absorption, keeping plants nutritionally satisfied and thriving.
Height | 20.000000 |
Width | 7.750000 |
Length | 7.600000 |
Weight | 1.393000 |
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