Our Top Low-Fuss Plants | Hyalite New Zealand

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14th December 2022

Our Top Low-Fuss Plants

Finding the perfect gift for a loved one can be challenging. Finding a gift for kooky Aunty Sue at 7 pm on Christmas Eve is even more challenging. Don’t fret; we’ve got you covered with our top low-fuss indoor & outdoor plants – the gift that keeps giving!


Indoor Plants:

Snake Plant: These patterned beauties are named after how they snake out of the pot. They prefer dim to bright light and need very little water each month – they are perfect for every level of gardener. Cuttings can easily be taken from the leaves, and you can even split the plant when it gets too big for its pot. The Snake plant is the gift that keeps on giving.

Tradescantia Zebrina: With their cascading foliage and love for indirect light, these plants have quickly become a favourite for beginner gardeners. Cutting them back encourages bushier growth, and cuttings can be taken via the stems.   

 Spider Plant: Named after their spider-like tendrils, these are one of the OG indoor plants. They are easy to look after – water when the soil is dry to the touch and keep them out of direct sunlight. They even propagate themselves – when you see a tuft forming, wait till it has roots, then cut it off and plant it.

Hoya Carnosa: Hoyas are, and have been for years, a very popular houseplant. The Carnosa variety is very hardy and does well in warm rooms and even outside in sheltered spots. Hoyas do not like their feet wet, so only water them when the top half of the soil is dry – do not allow them to sit in water. Flowering Hoyas give off a beautiful scent making these plants perfect for anyone with a slightly odorous house.

Philodendron: There are several varieties of Philodendron around, each with striking leaves and features. The Green Princess variety has beautiful dark green leaves, while the highly coveted Princess Philodendron has bright pink and dark green leaves; there is a Philodendron to suit everyone. Philodendrons require less watering than other house plants – especially in winter.  

Ficus: These plants are perfect for anyone fluent in neglect-tek (the art of neglecting your plants and hoping they’ll grow). They prefer to be on the dry side and in indirect sunlight. They drink through their leaves and love a foliar misting occasionally.

Monstera Deliciosa: Known as the Swiss Cheese plant because of its distinctive holey leaves, this is the houseplant everyone wants. They prefer bright indirect light and only require watering when the top 2-3cm of soil is dry – they hate wet feet. They can quickly become large but are easy to cut back and propagate.


Outdoor Plants:

Dahlias: Dahlias are beautiful flowers that come in a variety of types and colours. They are a tuber, similar to a bulb, meaning they grow back year after year if properly looked after. They don’t require much, keep them moist – but not wet, and feed them now and then. After their growing season, cut them back, and new growth will pop out in the spring.  

Lilys: Lilys are one of the most popular plants in any garden. Available in assorted colours and varieties, these perennial bulbs make a perfect give. They have very similar upkeep to the Dahlias, the only difference being a Lily needs more space to spread out. Every year they grow back, they increase in size, making them the star of your garden.   

Hosta: This shade-loving plant is perfect as a filler in any garden. The shades of green on a Hosta Plant vary; the deeper greens can handle more shade than the lighter greens. Trim off any dead leaves to keep the Hosta looking its best.  

Ice Plant: Topped with brightly coloured flowers, the ice plant is the most striking cover plant. They are tolerant to dry coastal conditions – making them perfect for the hot summer. Ice Plants are also easy to propagate; snip off a stem and plant it!

Hydrangea: Available in dazzling hues of blue and purple, Hydrangeas are an easy showstopper of a plant. They require more care and attention in their first year – don’t let them dry out too much. Once they hit the second year, they only need watering occasionally. After the growing season, cut the branches back and come spring, new growth will start appearing.

Lavender: Lavender plants are like Hydrangeas in the way to care for them; the first year, they need more attention and love; the second year, they are hardier and can withstand drier conditions. Regularly pruning your lavender encourages bushy growth. Lavender is also a great source of nectar for bees and butterflies. What more could you want?

Succulents: If you know somebody specialising in neglect tek, succulents are the plant for them. Succulents store water in juicy leaves, stems, or roots to survive periodic droughts – aka somebody forgetting to water them. This fact alone makes them the perfect gift, almost impossible to kill, and good-looking. One of the other major draw cards for Succulents is their ability to be propagated by cleanly removing a leaf and planting it. 


Slap a bow on your chosen plant present, write something cheesy like “a gift as eternal as our love”, and you’ve won Christmas.

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